Dehydrated turkey fillet

Dehydrated turkey (Premium product) - delicacy for animals is one of the most healthy, dietary types of poultry meat.

  • Turkey is low in fat and high in protein (up to 28%), which is almost completely digestible by carnivores, leading to rapid satiety (in these indicators, turkey is ahead of rabbit and chicken).
  • It contains vitamins B, A, E and K, and all the microelements essential for animal health (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.). Turkey contains much more iron than veal, and in terms of phosphorus exceeds many types of fish.

Dehydrated turkey is ideal for ALL breeds of dogs and cats.
Recommended for dogs and cats of all breeds from 1.5 - 2 months of age.​​

100% NATURAL product without dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers!