Dehydrated pork – source of vitamin B (beef and chicken contain less).
Vitamin B1 has a positive effect on the animals' heart and gastrointestinal tract. B2 is responsible for clarity of vision, B6 – for the functioning of the liver, heart, normal functioning of the nervous system, B12 has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and coat of animals. In addition, pork contains a lot of cobalt, fluorine, zinc, magnesium and other useful elements. This product also contains the amino acid lysine, which helps strengthen the animal’s bones. The systematic consumption of the product as a food will provide the animal the excellent state of health;
Lean pork contains a lot of protein (about 20 g per 100 g of meat) - the main building component of cells and tissues. Protein maintains the normal metabolic processes and is responsible for blood clotting and fluid balance.
Elderly dogs with dental problems and puppies will easy eat high-quality, soft pork meat.
Dried pork is ideal for ALL breeds of dogs and cats. Recommended for dogs and cats of all breeds from 1.5 - 2 months of age.
100% NATURAL product without dyes, preservatives or flavor enhancers!